Getting Clear on What You’re Looking For…

In the pursuit of finding a fulfilling, romantic relationship, clarity is key. Understanding your desires, values, and relationship goals can pave the way for a more meaningful connection with a partner who aligns with your vision for the future. This clarity doesn't always come easily, though. It often requires introspection, reflection, and a willingness to explore your own emotions and needs.

To help you gain clarity on what you're looking for in a romantic relationship, here are a few things you can practice in your search for a relationship:

  1. Reflect on Your Past Relationships: Take some time to think about your past romantic relationships. What did you appreciate about them? What were the challenges you faced? What patterns do you notice in your relationships? Reflecting on your past can provide valuable insights into what you're looking for in the future.

  2. Identify Your Values and Must Haves: Consider what values are important to you in a romantic relationship and what qualities you absolutely must have in a partner. Is honesty paramount? Do you value adventure and spontaneity, or do you prefer stability and routine? Knowing and writing down your core values can guide you in finding a partner who shares them.

  3. Imagine Your Ideal Relationship: Close your eyes and envision your ideal romantic relationship. What does it look like? How do you and your partner communicate? What activities do you enjoy together? Visualizing your ideal relationship can help you clarify your desires.

  4. Consider Your Long-Term Goals: Think about your long-term goals and how they align with a potential partner. Do you want to travel the world, start a family, or focus on your career? Consider how a partner could support these goals or fit into your vision for the future.

  5. Explore Your Needs and Desires: Make a list of your emotional, physical, and intellectual needs in a relationship. What do you need to feel loved and supported? What are your deal-breakers? Understanding your needs can help you communicate them effectively to a partner.

  6. Assess Your Communication Style: Reflect on how you communicate in relationships. Are you direct and assertive, or do you prefer a more passive approach? Understanding your communication style can help you navigate conflicts and express your needs in a relationship.

  7. Journaling Prompts: Writing things down can be a really helpful way to not only gain clarity, but to also solidify and commit to what you’re looking for.

    • What are three things I appreciate about myself?

    • What are three qualities I seek in a partner?

    • How do I want to feel in my ideal relationship?

    • What are three relationship goals I have for the future?

    • What boundaries do I need to set to feel safe and respected in a relationship?


Get Fired Up for Love: Love and Lacrosse


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