#CapHeartMissedConnections: Send Us Your Stories

Remember Missed Connections on Craigslist? Anyone else used to enjoy a few beers with friends while perusing the crazy stories? Just is? Ok…

While the other version does still exist, we want to feature a Missed Connection Story each week and give you a second chance at a first impression. Locked eyes with a masked cutie while pumping gas recently but didn’t say hi? Caught yourself smiling from more than 6’ away while grabbing dinner with a friend, but was being COVID conscientious enough to keep your distance? Send us the details! We’ll post them here, collect the responses and send them your way - letting you decide who to (or not to!) respond to!*

*We ALWAYS want to promote care and caution when interacting with new people on these here interwebs. Exercise caution when responding to messages or agreeing to meet up with new folx in person.


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