Why Meditating Can Level Up Your Dating Game

Something you all should know about me is that I’m a little bit “woo woo” my family calls it. Most dating profiles would let me check the box that says, I’m “Spiritual but not religious.” To me, this means that I believe in a higher power but I have a relationship with that higher power on my own terms. (No shade at all to anyone who considers themselves religious, it’s just not for me).

I tend to refer to my higher power as The Universe - an energy that connects us all. And I communicate with the Universe often through meditation. It’s only been over the last year that I developed a regular meditation practice, and I have to say - it’s been a game changer. I try to spend 10-15 minutes daily in relative silence, turning inward so that I can listen, receive and relax. I have a cozy corner in my apartment dedicated to my practice that has amazing natural light in the morning and I’ve outfitted it with some candles, crystals and comfy pillow to sit on.

When I hit my meditation pillow I’ll usually start with a question or a mantra to focus on. Once I got my vaccine and felt that I was in a good place to explore dating again after a year of relative isolation, I focused my meditation practice on finding my match. Each day I’ve spent some time focusing on what I want to manifest in my future partner. On how I want to feel in my next (and hopefully last) significant relationship. On the life I hope to create with someone. When my 10-15 minutes is up, I often spend some time journaling on what came up for me.

Not only has this brought me a great deal of clarity around what I am looking for in a partner, but the practice of quieting down and keeping myself in the present moment is so helpful in dating. I’ve noticed on dates that I am more present and focused on where I am in the moment - and not allowing my mind to wander 10 steps ahead to what we’re going to do next, whether or not the date will end with a kiss or what I’m doing the next day. When you’re really in the moment with the person you’re with - they can feel it. And it makes for an infinitely more enjoyable and connected experience.

Ready to try it? If you’re new to meditation and not sure where to start there are tons of apps and resources to get you started. I like the Calm app, but Headspace is another great one (These are just suggestions, not ads. We’re not affiliated with either…yet!). I’m also a big fan of spiritual guru Gabby Bernstein and she has some great resources (both free and paid) to get you started. An app or guide is a great way to start because they can help signal or remind you to stay focused as your mind inevitably wanders a bit.

Sitting down and getting quiet sounds easy enough, but it can be a challenge - especially as you start. I promise you that if you stick with it, it will pay off. And the benefits go far beyond dating. I’ve noticed myself able to manage stress so much better, I’m more present in every aspect of life and I’m even sleeping better because I’m more skilled at quieting my mind.

Has meditating helped you up your dating game? Or are you new and ready to get started? Let us know! We want to hear your stories!


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